Monday, April 21, 2008

The Race is being Waged in Heaven!

(May 6, 2008 is the RTCA Global Day of Prayer. For full information on Global Day of Prayer click on the Evangelism 2010 section on the RTCA homepage. On the Evangelism 2010 section you will see the title- “Global Day of Prayer”. Click on that section and you can see the hours available for prayer. Send your prayer times to Chaplain Daniel Corte at:

He will sign you up. You can also send your prayer requests to him as well to post on the site.)

The Race for Souls is being waged in the Heavens!

Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The Whitehorse Festivals and ALPHA outreaches have reminded me of the truth of this verse. We have seen the powers of the darkness come against the team on a personal basis and a group basis.

We have experienced technical difficulties that are numerous to list. But one of the most frequent one involves the sound system. It does not matter how perfect the sound check goes, how great the equipment is or how professional the sound technician is- at a key moment when Kevin is singing or Pat is giving the word, the sound will suddenly break down or have problems.

We have had delivery problems, late arriving flights, slow cooking and long food lines, indifferent attitudes at first from people arriving at the outreaches, and of course tiredness or illness that strikes the team.

All we do is STOP! We go silent. We realize that we have done all the “earthly” things possible in planning or operating the outreaches and events. We also realize that the battle is not in the flesh. We wait on the Lord! We give it over to our God!

He has never failed us and Satan has lost every time!

We just had two more events occur at the racetracks at Santa Anita and at Los Alamitos and between the two nearly 100 more people have come to accept the Lord as their Savior. Over 700 people have accepted Christ at our White Horse Festivals and ALPHA discipleship programs! Do you think the prince of darkness is pleased with these results?

Do you think he will again come against us at the planned May events at Evangeline Downs, Delta Downs, Belmont and Arlington Park?

Do you think we need prayer?

Of course the answer is YES for both questions.

As we continue to prepare for the May 6th Global Day of Prayer. Let’s meditate on the following word of God-

“With all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in perseverance and requests for all the Saints.”

Ephesians 6:18

So please be a prayer warrior for the RTCA on May 6th. Do not grow sleepy or lazy during the prayer time you are selecting for the Global Day of Prayer and if possible fast on the day of prayer.

Pray for the spiritual warfare being waged above us. Pray for the great harvest that is underway at racetracks in the United States and pray for a global revival that will sweep through the horse world!

Please send in your prayer times and prayer requests to Chaplain Daniel. And be watchful of the results from your prayers and the prayers of all those with the RTCA!


Edward Smith

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