Monday, June 9, 2008

Arlington Park and the Old Time Tent Revival!

On Sunday morning the rain was pouring down all over Chicago and it seemed as if it was focused on Arlington Park. The tent and area we were going to hold the event on that afternoon looked like the Louisiana swamp lands- in fact we thought we saw a gator hanging out in the back of the tent. We did the secular responsibility thing and made plans B and then plan C as a backup to that. And then we did the spiritually sensible thing and all gathered for prayer with Chaplain Ernesto Reyes in the Chaplains trailer with council members and some volunteers and took it to the God of the Heavens, the creator of the universe and the one who controls, sends or resends the rain.
We prayed with believing hearts and asked God to send the SUN and then went about our business of preparing for the work of the Harvest. God answered that prayer, for within hours God pulled the rain back, the heavens began to open, the light began to shine and the SON showed up in all His glory!
What an awesome sight to hear, witness and participate in. A army of dedicated volunteers arrived and joined in with council members including Brother Charlie Matuzas and his wife who drove up from Indiana to film the event. The Harvest Church brought an incredible feast that would feed over 800 adults and children, while the registration table was manned by 10 volunteers who handed out welcome kits and gave Jesus Loves You bracelets to the kids who also enjoyed carnival games and were entertained by a clown that created balloon shapes of everything you could imagine.
A choir of 80 young people on tour of churches and prisons from South Carolina (they were sent over to us by Harvest Church) had a cancellation and dropped in on us to give a 35 minute concert. The front of the tent was rocking and clapping to the Christian music of a local Mexican Christian group- and the skies continued to clear as hundreds and hundreds of backstretch workers enjoyed the White Horse Festival that had come to honor them and bring the word of God along with some rather tasty food!
400 chairs were filled inside the tent and hundreds spilled outside and stood alongside the side less tent and leaned in to listen.
Chaplain Ernesto and I greeted the people and MC'd the event as we helped lead an old fashioned, gospel singing, gospel preaching, tent revival in the heart of the backstretch village at Arlington Park!
As the sun began to set Kevin Thornton brought his inspirational message and testimony in English and Spanish songs and in sharing from his heart how God had filled the void in life, even while at the top of the musical charts, and had all the world had to offer as success. He helped set the stage as we had people slow down and begin to focus on what God had laid on the heart of Pat Day to come and tell them.
To wild applause Pat Day and our old RTCA brother in Christ and former Chaplains Rep Luis stepped up on stage and for the next 25 minutes they brought the word together as one team!
And then the moment of truth beneath the tent. After delivering his message, Pat had them pray to receive Christ and then to come forward to the altar and make a public declaration. At first no one moved. And then a woman holding a small child boldly came forward and walked to the altar area and then turned and looked at the crowd. And then another woman came forward and then two women, no four and on and on they came. And then men began to come forward to the applause of believers and soon the altar area was full.
Kevin sang Amazing Grace as Chaplain Ernesto and I led tens of people outside the tent and to an area where we could talk to them and explain about the ALPHA program and how Chaplain Ernesto would help lead them in their growth and that the RTCA would be here to walk with them. Pat joined us as we made a circle of unity and welcomed our new brothers and sisters in Christ into the family of God united in the citizenship of heaven.
Fifty people signed the commitment cards stating their acceptance of God as their savior and Lord! Many more will be coming forward publicly soon.
The God who stopped the rain brought the waters of eternal life to over 50 people that night, beneath a tent that shook like the old time revivals!
Thank you Lord for Chaplain Ernesto and his council and his volunteers and his wife who supports his ministry! Thank you Chaplain Luis for stepping in and helping translate and for helping build the relationship with Harvest Church and for all that the church did for feeding so many people! Thank you for Kevin and Pat who are not ashamed or afraid of sharing the gospel of Christ! Thank you chaplains for continuing to run the race to bring thousands to Christ on your tracks and farms and training centers! And thank you RTCA and RTCA supporters who keep this ministry goal of helping people win the ultimate race of life through Jesus Christ the White Horse Rider!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey brother Edward GOD IS GOOD O WHAT?
Thanks for your support, God Bless You.
Ernesto Arlington