Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Miracle in Mexico! God is so Awesome!

The RTCA has been a supporter of my mission work in Mexico for many years, and a great harvest is underway because of the help of planting seeds by ministries such as RTCA.
I arrived in my Mexico mission field over 9 years ago.

My arrival was supernatural and ordained by God and I will write about that in the near future. I was to partner with an incredible pastor and head of a church alliance of at that time some 40 churches. His name is Pastor Cheto. He is a dynamic, energetic pastor, evangelist and leader. He loves the Lord and that love radiates out to all who are around him.

He rarely slows down and moves from church to church encouraging the pastor and congregation to grown in the knowledge of God through bible studies, they break bread together and they take care of each others needs. I feel like I am in a living New Testament brotherhood when I am with them.

I remember the first visit I made down to the area when we went over high mountains and then plunged thousands of feet down to a river. We were led across the river by horsemen and the water came half way up the doors of our truck. On the other side we rode straight up steep trails on the back of horses to small mountain villages were the homes are made of stick, mud and leaves. Over the years of serving with Pastor Cheto I never saw the man tire and the ministry grew to over 60 churches with over 14,000 born again Christians in the mountains and valleys of central Mexico.

And then two years ago Pastor Cheto was struck with an aliment that took his energy away and began to make him depressed and tired all the time. I would drive 1,000 miles from my home in Texas to spend a few days with Pastor Cheto and his family. Praying for him, trying to encourage him, pushing him, trying to feed him and get him to move about. Now matter what we did he just seemed to to get worse. And a year ago he basically said he was preparing to go on to Heaven and be with the Lord.

I told him I did not feel it was time for him to go and that God had unfinished work for him to carry out with his people. We prayed and I embraced a person whose body felt so light in weight and so heavy in depression- he seemed like he was 100 years old.

And then a few months later I received a phone call from him and his voice sounded like the old and energetic Pastor Cheto that I knew. I drove down to Mexico to see him in person. And when I did I saw a man healed by the Lord!

He was again dynamic, energetic and was racing about doing the work of the Lord!

The RTCA is part of the work I do in Mexico with Pastor Cheto and with my missionary partner Rev. Barri Strait. The radio ministry is where I put the RTCA seed money and it is springing up a great harvest that is leading hundreds of people each year to seek the Lord and make professions of faith.

On the phone today he told me that two people were being baptized that night because of the radio program!

I thank the RTCA for the support and I praise the Lord for restoring my Brother in Christ- Pastor Cheto and for the Lord continuing to use Pastor Cheto to lead people to Christ. As Galatians 3:28 says "There is neither Greek nor Jew, Free nor Slave, Rich nor poor, male nor female- but that we are all one in Christ!"

Edward Smith

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