Friday, August 24, 2007

Unified in a Circle of Prayer

My two weeks of serving as a Chaplain for Chaplain David Corrales has drawn to an end. Today, August 24 I have called a National RTCA Day of Prayer to pray for the RTCA Race Track Evangelism Festival that will take place on August 28 in Del Mar, California.

It is fitting that I talk about prayer in my dispatches fromNorthern California today.

I have only been here for two weeks. And only the Holy Spirit can cause people who did not know each other to bond so quickly. I loved leading worship services and small group bible studies at the different tracks while I was here.

We talked about our common citizenship in the United Kingdom of God as believers and shared and talked about verses that teach us about our citizenship and how we must strive to not only bring others the gospel and the truth, but to lift up and encourage other brothers and sisters as we journey on this earth.

I talked about the power of prayer and shared my personal testimony of answered prayer when, as a 13 year old boy, I asked God to make the world my office. Well 50 countries later and global ministry work later- God is continuing to answer that never ending prayer.

I shared the story of how God used the prayers of two men and a white pony to spread Christianity throughout southeast asia and beyond, that resonates and continues today.

And over the last few nights, at the different tracks, we would gather in a circle and just talk and pray and lift each other and our requests up to the Lord in English and in Spanish- united as citizens of Heaven.

It was a powerful and moving time and one I will never forget. They were also so excited that they knew RTCA brethern will be praying throughout Friday and that they would be able to pray with them in unity.

Please lift up the evangelism festivals and lift up these precious believers in the Lord on the racetracks as they work hard labor and strive to be the light of Christ in the backstretch. Pray also for Chaplain David Corrales, his family, is council and for his ministry,

I am so thankful that the Lord sent me to work with Chaplain David out here in the bay area.

Blessings to all of you!

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Global Cross- The Universal Liberator

On Sunday I experienced some beautiful views of God's handiwork as I traveled over the bay on the San Mateo Bridge to head up 880 North that would carry me along the bay coast line and up through Oakland into the race track at Vallejo near Napa Valley.

I marveled at the beauty of the coastal foothills and green mountains, crowned with towering trees as the refreshing air swept through my car, San Francisco looked like a postcard with sail boats sweeping along the islands or beneath the bridges and disapperaing in and out of fog that came and went throughout the day.

Somewhere to the north of Oakland I noticed an American Flag flying on a treeless, grassy brown hill. The flag was slanted and sculptured men were pushing the flag upward. I knew from my history it was a replica to the marines who fought on Iwo Jima in World War II as they raised the American Flag over a heavily contested mountain top.

My mind went back to the devotions and bible studies I had been giving over the last few days in the tracks of Northern California. I thought of a cross standing on a hill and the Lord pushing it up and then sacrificing himself in the battle to redeem mankind- and more importantly that He indeed won the war for all who accept Him.

I looked at the pacific waters that were in the bay and thought those same waters washed up on the shores of South Korea and Australia and New Zealand and Chile- where we have been helping to further the cause of Christ by planting the cross of victory on race tracks in those countries and presenting the salvation message of the ultimate Savior, Redeemer and Liberator- The Lord Jesus Christ!

Praise the Lord for all of you involved in the RTCA ministry and for helping spead the gospel throughout the USA, Canada and the world.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Dispatches from the Global Backstretch!

Chaplain David Corrales is a wonderful man of God, loving family man and a terrific- no- awesome chaplain to the race tracks of northern California.

It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to walk in his shoes for a few days and to be able to spend time among his "flock"!

Chaplain David did what any great leader does- he quickly booted me out into the race tracks so I could just get right into it. I love it.

I want to share with you how the RTCA global message is resonating with the people I have been able to share the word of God with in backstretch church type settings, small group gatherings near trailers and in jock devotions.

As you know I love to talk about the unity we have as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. I have been able to share the fact that all over the world, immigration has reached historic porportions.

In addition to millions of immigrants living in the United States, there are additional millions of immigrants wrestling with the same issues all across Europe, South America and Asia.

On RTCA trips with Dr. Torres and Pat Day we have seen this phenomenom ourselves as Eastern Europeans are working in backstretches in Western Europe, Australia and Asia.

I told the people that so many people are living in so many new countries and adjusting to so many different cultures, languages, music, food etc- that many times they don't know what they are citizens of.

It can be depressing, exhilirating, stressful, fun, intense, lonely and even depressing. But the message I wanted to share with them was that God loved them and they were not alone and that God even addressed the issue of citizenship and unity for all that believed in Him.

It was with great excitement I shared verses such as Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 2:19, Colossians 3:11 (yes- you have to look them up) and Psalm 133:1- "How good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell in unity together!"

Praise the Lord! The passage can be applied to modern times and circumstances. The verse did not say the brethern depended on nationality, language group, skin color or gender- it calls upon those who believe in the Lord to dwell together. To encourage and lift up each other- to bear with one another as we run the race of life together.

And when we get to Heaven our passport is stamped by the blood of Christ and we enter into Heaven for the price He paid to the Father! No more nationalities, papers, documentation, i.d.s or social security numbers- our identidy is in the Lord and cannot be stolen and our citizenship is in the United Kindom of Christ!

This is the message that the RTCA and Chaplain Corrales has allowed me to take to our brothers and sisters who live in our Global Horse Communities!



Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Live from Bay Meadows- Chaplain Edward Smith!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chaplains Office, Bay Meadows

Greetings my dear Chaplains and RTCA Family-

The rumors are true, Chaplain David Corrales lost a grip of his sanity and has arranged for me to serve as his replacement Chaplain till August 24th!

I am honored to help my dear brother as it allows him to go with his son to the Sierra Nevadas near Lake Tahoe where they will go bow hunting and spend quality bonding time as father and son.

It seems as if Satan was trying to keep me from coming out here as the flight was delayed several times and then finally cancelled. After a 5 hour time of hanging out in terminal D at DFW airport, I was finally on my way to the San Francisco Airport. I used the time to prepare for my work in Bay Meadows as well as on the upcoming Region One Conference of Chaplains in September.

On arrival in San Francisco it was another hour before my luggage arrived, as no one knew of its where abouts- or really seemed to care for that matter. But it was all good because the 104 degree heat of Texas had given way to the 70 degree weather of the bay area- it made me cry to think that poor Chaplain Corrales has to suffer for Jesus in such miserable conditions!

Seriously- the great spiritual work that Brother David is doing out here was quicky made known to me. I was met at the airport by a race track worker from Bay Meadows named Mr. Irineo Serrano- called "Neo" for short. He insisted on taking me to dinner at a little Taco stand he likes.

The food was great. But as we were talking he shared with me how much he loved to study the bible, that for the last year Brother David was teaching him how to study. He talked about how thankful he was for God and for God changing him from drugs and alcohol and h0w much Brother David was to him and many others in the track.

It makes me feel so proud of the work our chaplains do in representing the love of God to the workers in the horse racing community.

Today we went to the track at Pleasanton which holds a two week live event in the fair season in July and the rest of the year is a training track. Brother David has Chaplain Bill Fleeck conducting bible studies at the track. Brother David comes out and walks the backstretch- every0ne greeted him and he introduced me to so many people. We participated in two bible studies before heading back over to Bay Meadows- I think it heated up to 79 degrees- unbearable!

Tonight I will be giving a message to a bi-lingual service and meeting people afterwards and then off to a busy day and week starting tomorrow.

Keep the ministry work of Brother David and his trip with his son in your prayers and pray I do not totally destroy his ministry before he comes back!

Keep up the good race RTCA Chaplains and Family. I will blog again soon!

Chaplain Edward

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Time for Prayer, Fasting and Commitment!

Greetings RTCA Family!

The RTCA has arrived at the intersection of one of the most significant moments in its 35 years of history. A email went out to the entire Board of Directors, detailing the way to proceed regarding the possible purchase of the Bradshaw Farm in Georgetown, Kentucky.

We all feel that the Lord is moving our RTCA National Headquarters to Kentucky. We feel blessed and excited about the partnership potentials with Georgetown College. We are proud that the Christian Mayor of Georgetown is wanting us to be there, and we are also delighted about all the new ministry partnerships that are shaping up in Kentucky as well.

I do not want to go into the details that the email calls for in regards to a decision from the entire board by Monday, August 13th. But, I want to highlight the call for fasting and praying.

This needs to continue to happen regardless of the outcome of the Monday vote.

We have a lot of things going on at the RTCA and I want to give you that list so we can all continue to fast and pray on serious ministry callings that involve all of us-

1. Continue to pray for God's clear will to be shone in regards to all things related to the RTCA National Home Office move to Kentucky.

2. Be in prayer for the RTCA Evangelism Festivals of Hope that will be taking place in Del Mar, California on August 28, Bay Meadows, California on Oct 2 and Churchill Downs, Kentucky on Oct. 16. We will announce the schedule soon for 2008 but track locations look to be- Emerald Downs, Fairgrounds, Louisiana Downs and Belmont. We also have plans shaping up for a Kentucky state wide evangelism program in 2008 with potential partnerships with the Kentucky Baptist that might also touch into race tracks in Ohio, Indiana and West Virgina. The Festivals will also follow up with discipleship programs designed with "Alpha".

3. Be in prayer for Pat Day and Kevin K.T. Thornton who have been tapped to be key parts of the evangelism team and for the RTCA Evangelism Home team made up of myself, Rev. Ed Donnally, Rev. Fraker, Chaplain Humberto Chavez, Chaplain Vincent Rivera and Chaplain David Corrales.

4. Please lift a prayer of thanks to the Four Square Denomination who gave a grant through Rev. Donnally that got these Revival Festivals off the ground and pray that we can get other denominational partners to see the vision of helping us lead thousands of race track and horse industry workers to the light of the Lord!

Also keep on reading this blog over the next few weeks as I will be serving as a race track chaplain at Bay Meadows for Chaplain David Corrales! I hope my work is as glorifying to the Lord as potentially funny it could be for me as a race track chaplain! (So keep me in prayer!)

Thank you for all you are doing to serve the Lord and blessings to our RTCA family!

Edward Smith