Friday, August 24, 2007

Unified in a Circle of Prayer

My two weeks of serving as a Chaplain for Chaplain David Corrales has drawn to an end. Today, August 24 I have called a National RTCA Day of Prayer to pray for the RTCA Race Track Evangelism Festival that will take place on August 28 in Del Mar, California.

It is fitting that I talk about prayer in my dispatches fromNorthern California today.

I have only been here for two weeks. And only the Holy Spirit can cause people who did not know each other to bond so quickly. I loved leading worship services and small group bible studies at the different tracks while I was here.

We talked about our common citizenship in the United Kingdom of God as believers and shared and talked about verses that teach us about our citizenship and how we must strive to not only bring others the gospel and the truth, but to lift up and encourage other brothers and sisters as we journey on this earth.

I talked about the power of prayer and shared my personal testimony of answered prayer when, as a 13 year old boy, I asked God to make the world my office. Well 50 countries later and global ministry work later- God is continuing to answer that never ending prayer.

I shared the story of how God used the prayers of two men and a white pony to spread Christianity throughout southeast asia and beyond, that resonates and continues today.

And over the last few nights, at the different tracks, we would gather in a circle and just talk and pray and lift each other and our requests up to the Lord in English and in Spanish- united as citizens of Heaven.

It was a powerful and moving time and one I will never forget. They were also so excited that they knew RTCA brethern will be praying throughout Friday and that they would be able to pray with them in unity.

Please lift up the evangelism festivals and lift up these precious believers in the Lord on the racetracks as they work hard labor and strive to be the light of Christ in the backstretch. Pray also for Chaplain David Corrales, his family, is council and for his ministry,

I am so thankful that the Lord sent me to work with Chaplain David out here in the bay area.

Blessings to all of you!

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