Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Live from Bay Meadows- Chaplain Edward Smith!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chaplains Office, Bay Meadows

Greetings my dear Chaplains and RTCA Family-

The rumors are true, Chaplain David Corrales lost a grip of his sanity and has arranged for me to serve as his replacement Chaplain till August 24th!

I am honored to help my dear brother as it allows him to go with his son to the Sierra Nevadas near Lake Tahoe where they will go bow hunting and spend quality bonding time as father and son.

It seems as if Satan was trying to keep me from coming out here as the flight was delayed several times and then finally cancelled. After a 5 hour time of hanging out in terminal D at DFW airport, I was finally on my way to the San Francisco Airport. I used the time to prepare for my work in Bay Meadows as well as on the upcoming Region One Conference of Chaplains in September.

On arrival in San Francisco it was another hour before my luggage arrived, as no one knew of its where abouts- or really seemed to care for that matter. But it was all good because the 104 degree heat of Texas had given way to the 70 degree weather of the bay area- it made me cry to think that poor Chaplain Corrales has to suffer for Jesus in such miserable conditions!

Seriously- the great spiritual work that Brother David is doing out here was quicky made known to me. I was met at the airport by a race track worker from Bay Meadows named Mr. Irineo Serrano- called "Neo" for short. He insisted on taking me to dinner at a little Taco stand he likes.

The food was great. But as we were talking he shared with me how much he loved to study the bible, that for the last year Brother David was teaching him how to study. He talked about how thankful he was for God and for God changing him from drugs and alcohol and h0w much Brother David was to him and many others in the track.

It makes me feel so proud of the work our chaplains do in representing the love of God to the workers in the horse racing community.

Today we went to the track at Pleasanton which holds a two week live event in the fair season in July and the rest of the year is a training track. Brother David has Chaplain Bill Fleeck conducting bible studies at the track. Brother David comes out and walks the backstretch- every0ne greeted him and he introduced me to so many people. We participated in two bible studies before heading back over to Bay Meadows- I think it heated up to 79 degrees- unbearable!

Tonight I will be giving a message to a bi-lingual service and meeting people afterwards and then off to a busy day and week starting tomorrow.

Keep the ministry work of Brother David and his trip with his son in your prayers and pray I do not totally destroy his ministry before he comes back!

Keep up the good race RTCA Chaplains and Family. I will blog again soon!

Chaplain Edward

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