Friday, August 17, 2007

Dispatches from the Global Backstretch!

Chaplain David Corrales is a wonderful man of God, loving family man and a terrific- no- awesome chaplain to the race tracks of northern California.

It is truly an honor and a privilege to be able to walk in his shoes for a few days and to be able to spend time among his "flock"!

Chaplain David did what any great leader does- he quickly booted me out into the race tracks so I could just get right into it. I love it.

I want to share with you how the RTCA global message is resonating with the people I have been able to share the word of God with in backstretch church type settings, small group gatherings near trailers and in jock devotions.

As you know I love to talk about the unity we have as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. I have been able to share the fact that all over the world, immigration has reached historic porportions.

In addition to millions of immigrants living in the United States, there are additional millions of immigrants wrestling with the same issues all across Europe, South America and Asia.

On RTCA trips with Dr. Torres and Pat Day we have seen this phenomenom ourselves as Eastern Europeans are working in backstretches in Western Europe, Australia and Asia.

I told the people that so many people are living in so many new countries and adjusting to so many different cultures, languages, music, food etc- that many times they don't know what they are citizens of.

It can be depressing, exhilirating, stressful, fun, intense, lonely and even depressing. But the message I wanted to share with them was that God loved them and they were not alone and that God even addressed the issue of citizenship and unity for all that believed in Him.

It was with great excitement I shared verses such as Galatians 3:28, Ephesians 2:19, Colossians 3:11 (yes- you have to look them up) and Psalm 133:1- "How good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell in unity together!"

Praise the Lord! The passage can be applied to modern times and circumstances. The verse did not say the brethern depended on nationality, language group, skin color or gender- it calls upon those who believe in the Lord to dwell together. To encourage and lift up each other- to bear with one another as we run the race of life together.

And when we get to Heaven our passport is stamped by the blood of Christ and we enter into Heaven for the price He paid to the Father! No more nationalities, papers, documentation, i.d.s or social security numbers- our identidy is in the Lord and cannot be stolen and our citizenship is in the United Kindom of Christ!

This is the message that the RTCA and Chaplain Corrales has allowed me to take to our brothers and sisters who live in our Global Horse Communities!



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